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A.C.S. Medical College and Hospital - Vacancy List

A.C.S. Medical College and Hospital - Vacancy List

A.C.S. Medical College and Hospital (Unit of Dr,M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute) PROFESSOR TB & Chest - 1 Radiology - 1 Total - 2 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Gen. Medicine - 3 Peadiatrics - 2 Radiology - 2 Anaesthesiology - 1 Orthopedics - 1 Total - 9 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR General Medicine - 5 Paediatrics - 3 Orthopeadics - 3 OBG - 4 Aneasthesiology - 2 General Surgery - 3 Radiology - 1 Total - 21 SENIOR RESIDENT Gen. Medicine - 4 Psychiatry - 1 Peadiatrics - 3 Gen. Surgery - 1 Aneasthesiology - 2 Radiology - 1 OBG - 1 Orthopaedics - 1 Total - 14 Contact: 8248533713/7904514939